
(calm) 𝖇𝖚𝖓𝖓𝖎 𝖋é𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖎𝖙é || overpowering, hypnotic & alluring beauty and femininity

(calm) 𝖇𝖚𝖓𝖓𝖎 𝖋é𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖎𝖙é || overpowering, hypnotic & alluring beauty and femininity This is the calm, shorter version of my subliminal i just uploaded. I had to take the gorgeous away from the title because it wouldn't fit *internal tears*

As always absolutely every feature is only manifested if desired. Initially this sub came to fruition as a request as suggested by the lovely y1k3S_ as a small feminine combo including:

-be super feminine, dreamy, cutie, positive, squishy bundle of love and happiness
- everyone think of you as super feminine, dreamy, cutie, positive, squishy bundle of happiness
- embody divine feminine,dreamy , seductress, empress (tarot), high priestess (tarot), euphoric, positivity energy/vibe/aesthetic
-have the cute filter on Tik Tok from the “I miss my cocoa butter kisses” compilation video of this one girl at 8:33) where it sparkles when you smile (dw i reworded it i didn't write it out how the requestor said :D )
-to have a natural cute peachy/coral blush with sparkling, shimmering eyes whenever you smile/laugh/blush

aaand I included all of that but expanded it and tried to make it into one big iconic femininity beauty, being, essence+ attraction/social+ life subliminal that would include anything you could possibly want in a femininity subliminal. I’m really happy with this piece of work and how it turned out and how I pieced everything tg in harmony.

The affirmations will all be listed in a document below! Originally the detailed written out affs were 50 pages and even a tad more but once I simplified them for the description to show what you’ll be receiving they still didn’t go down that much lol, I guess I wrote a lot 😅 but yeah enjoy and please lemme know your results I highly appreciate updates!!! 💗💕💓 much love to you guys and a fantastic happy festive season! 😘

doc containing affs:

remember visualize, drink water, stay positive and believe!
maya 💓


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