
Castlevania: LoS - Glitch Package (Part 6, on PC)

Castlevania: LoS - Glitch Package (Part 6, on PC) More glitches in Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, but on PC. So far, I've noticed no difference between PC and PS3 with this game, except that you can enter the menu while the yellow loading-circle appears on screen. All skips, glitch techniques and glitches appear to work the same.

Points of interest:
1. 0:00 Out-of-bounds sightseeing at Throne Room.

2. 0:34 Pan vanishes into thin-air for some reason: incidental glitch that made the game unwinnable. It looks like I blocked his attack at the very moment that his HP reached zero, perhaps this prevented the final cutscene from loading?

3. 0:50 Out-of-bounds sightseeing at Titan Graveyard: the Graveyard has no solid collision.

4. 1:28 Out-of-bounds sightseeing at Pan's Temple: it's possible to reach the final puzzle where Marie is. The puzzle is in a far area from the main level, very high up. You can't activate the puzzle while there, but you can drop Marie out-of-bounds as a minor consolation. At 1:57 I used a Crystal break-out in order to get a close-up PoV.

5. 2:19 'Crystal break-out Infinite Jump' at Oblivion Lake: I tried breaking the Titan's upper-runes early, but the chest rune has an invisible wall protecting it and the head-rune seems too difficult to get to with the Titan moving around so much. Later I tried luring him to the start of the level to try to drop him out-of-bounds, but he won't leave the arena. Instead, I went under the map to see if he has legs.

6. 3:43 Early Rune access at Sanctuary of the Titans: I high jumped to the Titan's left hand to break her rune early but it won't break early, the game then forces your grapple-input to grab the lower-leg.

7. 4:17 - 9:27 Breaking a Crystal into various cutscenes:

4:17 At Crematory Oven: there are two Gravediggers and the oven is in both open-and-closed positions. You fall to your death as soon as the scene ends.

5:23 At Underground Caves: two spiders appear in the cutscene and the poison effect is seen during the cutscene while the mini-game takes place. You're stuck after the scene ends.

5:54 At The Throne Room: there are enemies around that shouldn't be, and there are two Carmillas around. You're stuck after the scene ends and the camera toggles between the outside of the arena and the glitched-looking interior.

6:42 At Wygol Village: the battle and cutscene take place simultaneously, there are two Zobeks around. You're stuck when the scene ends with missing environment textures.

7:41 At Oblivion Lake: the battle and cutscene take place simultaneously, there are two Titan's around. Not in vid: you're stuck after the scene ends and only one Titan remains.

8:53 At Ogre: the battle and cutscene take place simultaneously, there are two Ogres around. You're stuck after the scene ends and the Ogre is stuck in an animation loop.

8. 9:27 - 11:50 What I call the 'Pause-menu break-out'-glitch: this is a new glitch that needs to systematically be tested throughout the entire game. If you Somersault into a cutscene and enter the pause-menu - one frame (or so) into the cutscene, the cutscene will continue while you're in the pause-menu. Once the cutscene is over, you're free to move while still in the pause menu.

9:32 I show the basic set-up at Library: Somersault and enter pause-menu one frame into the cutscene.

9:47 Pause-menu break-out at Dark Lord of the Lycans: you see some cutscene footage inside the actual book, then I show how you're free to move while inside the menu, I battle the Boss like this.

10:32 I completed the level after triggering the Bones Forest Chupacabra, nothing of note happened when I reached the level-end trigger, but need to test this on NG.

11:07 Pause-menu break-out at Abbey Catacombs: I broke a Crystal while inside the pause-menu. Once the Crystal cutscene is over, you get stuck seeing blank pages in the book while a single ominous note endlessly repeats. More tests needed...

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