
22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (C) 1 September 2019 - by Dr. Fr. Denis Lemos MSFS

22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (C) 1 September 2019 - by Dr. Fr. Denis Lemos MSFS W2W TV MSFS
(Please SUBSCRIBE and SHARE with all. God bless you. Thanks).

R1 - Sirach 3:17-18, 20, 28-29,
R2 – Hebrews 12:18-19, 22-24a,
R3 – Lk 14:1-14,
A boxing coach once told his assistant that we need to do some recruiting to get the right people in the team and I need your help in recruiting these guys.
The assistant said, "Sure, coach. What kind of player are you looking for?" The coach said, "Well, you know there's that fellow, you knock him down, he just stays down?" The assistant said, "We don't want him, do we, coach?"
"No, that's right. Then there's that fellow, you knock him down and he gets up, you knock him down again and he stays down." The assistant said, "We don't want him either do we coach?"
Coach said, "No, but, there's a fellow, you knock him down, he gets up. Knock him down, he gets up. Knock him down, he gets up. Knock him down, he gets up."
The assistant said, "That's the guy we want isn't it, coach?" The coach answered, “No, Sir, we don't want him either. I want you to find the guy who's knocking everybody down. That's the guy we want."
That's the guy we want to be seen with! That we want to invite to our dinners and social gatherings because deeply it is the kind of people we want to be. We don't want to be seen with the guys who are always being knocked down--the poor, crippled, the lame, the blind. But these are the very people, as we shall soon see, that we are encouraged to associate with.

W2W TV MSFS,TIDE MSFS,Fr. albert Fernandes msfs,missionaries of st. francis de sales,sunday homilies and sermons,reflections,sermons and momilies by MSFS priests,Dr. Denis Lemos msfs,Fr. Denis Lemos,St. paul's,How to Stay Humble in a Haughty World,R1 - Sirach 3:17-18 20 28-29,R2 – Hebrews 12:18-19 22-24a,R3 – Lk 14:1-14,Fransalians,msfs fathers,XXII SUnday in Ordinary time year c,

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