
Welcome! Chat MJ Alive 2020! To be continued...

Welcome! Chat MJ Alive 2020! To be continued... Hi Friends!!
And also greetings to all who came to us today for the first time!! 
Please feel free to get to know each other! Don't forget ! We are all one family!! We have only one land! And we are all its inhabitants!

Donating,an audio message output to the screen of the broadcast -

Hi Friends!✌✌✌
There have been changes on the channel!!
Now the videos on the channel that I promised to restore will be broadcast online,and then after watching the video there will be a two-hour chat for all fans of the world!!
You can discuss this video!!
I would like fans and friends all over the world to be able to meet here in a chat!! You can chat with friends and send greetings!! Of course to talk about Michael!! 
Therefore, this chat will be happy for everyone and it does not matter what race and nationality you are!!
I'm a black American, I am proud of my race. I am proud of who I am. I have a lot of pride and dignity.
The meaning of life is contained in every single expression of life. It is present in the infinity of forms and phenomena that exist in all of creation.
They did it to try and belittle me, to try and to take away my pride. But I went through the whole system with them. And at the end, I - I wanted the public to know that I was okay, even though I was hurting.
If you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same, then everything that happens in between can be dealt with.
Let us dream of tomorrow where we can truly love from the soul, and know love as the ultimate truth at the heart of all creation.
Thank you all!!
God bless you all!!
Michael loves you all!!
MJ Alive!!πŸ˜‰πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸŒŽπŸŒ»πŸŒ»πŸŒ»βœŒ

The video channel has no sensations and does not bear any harm to anyone, does not call for any actions, misconceptions, religion and discrimination of people!!
The channel is created exclusively for fans, fan clubs and friends of Michael Jackson!!
On channel are possible discuss, communication about Michael Jackson!
It is strictly forbidden for participants of the channel :
In the comments insult each other!
Also, subscribers are forbidden to write links to sites and other things that can harm other subscribers, spread spam in messages!
Forbidden write insulting in worded Michael Jackson!!
For violation of the rules described above, you will be blocked!
And also this channel is not children's, so viewing this content is prohibited to persons under 13 years!! Please Parents and Guardians monitor the actions of your children!
Visitors of the channel are not allowed to download videos from this channel for commercial purposes! The use of other people's content is prohibited and will be a violation of the YouTube agreement!!
This Michael channel and about Michael!! This channel says what Michael always said to his friends and fans - I will never leave you!! The channel is created for Michael's friends and fans!! It says what Michael was trying to convey to the world!! Michael always wanted to be understood!! But the world betrayed Michael until 2009!! So this channel says who was Michael, philosophy, reasoning, dreams, interests and more!! This is an attempt to uncover many questions that interest and continue to arise!! Who's Michael??? Michael loves the whole world with all his heart! Michael is much closer to you now than before!!
This channel has no sensational and false messages!!
This channel is for Michael and Michael!!
It was created for Michael's friends and fans!!

In my videos I want to tell you that Michael is alive!!! About how, that he always spoke ,that not leave you!! Take care of the children, this is our future!! Save the earth!!
I am very happy if you like my videos!!! And also grateful for Your support!!
This channel is created for everyone and has no restrictions!!
Please respect each other and don't insult each other in the comments!!
Love is the greatest magic!!
Do not copy video data, it was created for viewing on this channel!!

Michael Jackson,Alive,2019,Return,Come Back,Music,God,Joe,Jack,channel,MJ,Angel,Dave,777,Jackson,Christmas,

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