use 把 (ba) structure to emphasize the verb
The standard Chinese sentence structure is S V O : subject verb object. For example:
我 給你 這本書
wǒ gěi nǐ zhè běn shū
I give you this book.
把 comes in and swaps the object and verb around: S 把 O V
我 把 這本書 給 你
wǒ bǎ zhè běn shū gěi nǐ
I (take) this book and give to you
tā shā le rén
tā bǎ rén shā le
He killed a man.
關上門 or 關門
guān shàng mén
close the door
bǎ mén guān shàng
(take) the door and close it.
我賣了自行車。(賣/卖 ; 車/车)
Wǒ màile zìxíngchē.
I sold the bike.
Wǒ bǎ zìxíngchē mài le.
I sold the bike.
Nǐ néng bùnéng bǎ zhèxiē jù zǐ fānyì chéng yīngwén?
Can you translate these sentences into English?
bǎ zhè jù huà fān yì chéng zhōng wén
take this sentence and translate into Chinese.
x 翻譯這句話成中文
Wǒ bǎ “fu” xiěchéngle “tiān”.
I wrote "天" instead of "夫".
我 把 作業 做 完 了 。(業/业)
Wǒ bǎ zuòyè zuò wán le.
I finished doing my homework.
= 我做完作業了
老师 把 我 的 名字 讀 错 了 。(讀/读)
Lǎoshī bǎ wǒ de míngzì dú cuò le.
The teacher read my name wrong.
她 把 我 的 手機 放 在 她 的 包包 裡 了 。(機机; 裡/里)
Tā bǎ wǒ de shǒujī fàng zài tā de bāo bāo lǐ le.
She put my cell phone in her bag.
x 她 放 我 的 手機在她的包包裡
你 是 不 是 把 護照 放 在 行李箱 裡 了 ?(護/护)
Nǐ shì bu shì bǎ hùzhào fàng zài xínglixiāng lǐ le?
Did you put your passport in your suitcase?
x 放 我 的 護照 在行李箱 裡
wǒ bǎ bīng qí lín fàng jìn bīng xiāng
I put ice cream in the refrigerator
x 我放冰淇淋進冰箱裡
tā chī le wǒ de bīng qí lín
= 她把我的冰淇淋吃了
= tā bǎ wǒ de bīng qí lín chī le
She ate my ice cream
wǒ mǎi le dàn gāo
但是, 我的貓把蛋糕吃了.
dàn shì , wǒ de māo bǎ dàn gāo chī le .
= 我的貓吃了蛋糕
= wǒ de māo chī le dàn gāo
I bought a cake, but my cat ate the cake.
Using "ba" sentences
The 把 (bǎ) sentence is a useful structure for constructing longer sentences which focus on the result or influence of an action.
A basic sentence in Mandarin is formed with a subject-verb-object (SVO) word order, as in English
Subj. + [Verb Phrase] + Obj.
A 把 sentence shakes things up a bit, and you get this structure:
Subj. + 把 + Obj. + [Verb Phrase]