Some more concepts of reworking unused monsters found in game files.
Triper was actually used in game ONCE (last chest in "Brother's Chest" New Ashos notice board quest if I remember right).
By looking at game files, in 1.0 version of game it was just passively idling (he even had behaviour of passive animal set in his parameters data lul), had programmed idle animation only in his moveset files.
In 1.3 they've messed him up even more by pointing into wrong animation files which were just PotFF DLC monster animation files (result - monster freezed in place without idle animation, laughing my ass off).
Fun fact - in 1.3 devs pointed into animation files of Bailiff PotFF DLC boss which, by comparing appearance of both monsters, looks like reskinned and actually finished Triper.
I guess Triper was another victim of rushed game development which was later finished in PotFF DLC (like for example big ass green dragon seen in pre-release materials - there are still his texture files left in game data and Basilisk PotFF boss is just reskinned big-ass dragon, even textures matches).
Sadly Triper had only few animations made by devs - right hand attack, staff attack, idle, knockdown and... that's all. Not only not much of them, but also colission are very off. Wasn't fun to made him decently work.
Good thing was that he was fitting into Bailiff PotFF boss AI template so it was very helpful.
He can melee attack, cast defense weakening spell, fire projectiles and AOE fire ring spell (slow casting animation so player can react to it). Also very mobile monster, likes to fly around quickly.
In files I've found two variatons of him - one has fleshy look, another more demonic.
Monster seen in pre-release materials, not used in game.
Had to rework his AI and nearly every animation to made him fight at least decently.
He can jump attack, standard attack (multiple hit animation), backjump, sidestep.
Another monster seen in pre-release materials, not used in game. Like Wyvern (seen on my previous video) - he looks like he was ported straight from Two Worlds 1.
Again, had to rework his AI and nearly every animation to made him fight at least decently.
And again, he can jump attack, standard attack, backjump, sidestep.
Small rework here. Previously it was just standing in place and farting poisons every 5 seconds???
Now, with every shoot it shortens distance to You.
Also, I've changed spells and when it cast them:
- radically shortened cast time and changed animations so it is telegraphed - so player can react,
- at long range it will cast fireball,
- at short range, depending on current monster HP, he will cast:
* 100% till decent wounds - poison fart,
* decent wounds till serious wounds - AOE fire ring,
* serious wounds till it dies - fireball,
I think it makes fighting those plants less boring in melee (and this mod is being developed purely for melee play)
Music: 16. Mad Gear Hideout Sodom Dancing (Street Fighter X Tekken, Hideyuki Fukasawa)