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The first three minutes of the video are, of course, bullshit – but not complete bullshit. As with all conspiracies, most of the information is correct. John Heywood’s quote, the microscopic images of cheese, Earth’s volcanic rock and moonrock are all genuine, as is the chemical process by which cheese is formed. Also correct are the fact that amino acids have been found in meteorites, the NASA budget graph, the Scientific American Article, and just about everything else I show. Even the Journal of Eclectic Science is real, and as reputable as any journal cited by other conspiracies.
What I’ve done is twist things slightly. For example, at 1:16 there ARE reasons why amino acids can’t form carboxylic acids on the moon – for one thing, they would be bombarded with radiation and break apart.
At 1:47 the microscope photos (known as thin sections) are all correct, but what I didn’t mention is that volcanic rock comes in many different forms. Moon rock is composed of tiny pellets of molten rock that solidified very quickly, which is why it looks very different to large grained volcanic granite shown in the other thin section.
(rebutted here:
Ray Comfort flat Earth video:
The guy with the glasses and the moustache on flat Earth:
youtube.com/watch?v=JO-ndBqZORk 2
Poll on flat Earth: