
Lena Andreassen: Norway Quran Burner's Point Proven: Violence & Calls To End Free Speech Result

Lena Andreassen: Norway Quran Burner's Point Proven: Violence & Calls To End Free Speech Result Full Article:

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“If I would go to Pakistan and burn the Qur’an they would definitely kill me, but if I go to Pakistan and burn the Bible they would honor me, they will salute me.“ – Lena Andreassen

An obscure incident in Norway is being seized upon to justify imposing international blasphemy laws.

On November 16, 2019, a violent attack triggered by the burning of a Qur’an in Southern Norway’s capital city of Kristiansand captured the attention of global media outlets. It began when Lars Thorsen, the leader of Stop Islamization of Norway (SIAN) set fire to the Qur’an, Islam’s holy book in an act of protest. Thorsen was immediately assaulted by Umer Ilyas, an Islamic witness to the event, which was meant as a statement against the ongoing assault on free speech in the West.

For his perceived blasphemy, Thorson was violently beaten as police rushed to extinguish and protect the burning Qur’an. In the wake of the incident, Umar Ilyas’ violent response has been celebrated and copy-cat actions have been encouraged. Continue Reading:

Norway,Oslo,Antifa,Day of Rage,Diyanet,Iran,Kristiansand,Lars Throsen,LGBT,OIC,Organisation of Islamic Cooperation,Pakistan,Quran burning,SIAN,Stop Islamization of Norway,The Piss Christ,Turkey,Umer Ilyas,Angela Merkel,

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