
Fake Antique, Damaging Restoration: ​@Random Hands Exposed

Fake Antique, Damaging Restoration: ​@Random Hands Exposed Today we're going to be looking at a content creator who claims to perform "restorations" on supposed "antiques". In reality, what he does is grind, polish and rehilt replicas and reproductions, which he dishonestly claims are antique.

This is particularly clear in his recent video titles "antique egyptian dagger, impressive restoration". Not only is this not an antique, it is actually an indian made reproduction of a "Brass Hilted Rondel Dagger", made by Windlass, Marshal Historical and other companies, it is also a medieval european design.

Random Hands is providing bad advice for anyone who might actually own an antique, and want to restore it. His methods fundamentally destroy the items he "restores", removing their historical and monetary value.

Random Hands, you need to be clear. What you do isn't "antique restoration". It's "customising an artificially aged reproduction".

His channel:

sword,swords,antique,fake antique,artificially aged antique,artificial aging,egyptian sword,egyptian dagger,dagger,antique dagger,antique sword,bad restoration,fake sword,fake dagger,restoration,dagger restoration,antique restoration,blade restoration,antique egyptian dagger,random hands,rusty restoration,museum curator,rusty antique,knife,knife restoration,rondel dagger,windlass steelcraft,windlass dagger,sword restoration,

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