
Scentsy Lemonade Pitcher and Squeeze the Day Scent WOTM Unboxing

Scentsy Lemonade Pitcher and Squeeze the Day Scent WOTM Unboxing June 2019 Scentsy warmer and scent of the month kit unboxing from a team Facebook LIVE!

Lemonade Pitcher Warmer - This all-glass ode to a treasured summertime staple features vibrant, retro-worthy artwork for a pitcher-perfect finish.

Squeeze The Day Scent - Pucker up, lemon lovers! You’ve officially found your signature scent in this tart-and-true fragrance of pure lemons, balanced by a hint of vanilla cream.

Enjoy both at 10% off during June 2019 while supplies last!

Christina Osburn
Independent Scentsy SuperStar Director

Scentsy,ScentBars,June Scentsy Warmer,June Scentsy Scent,Scentsy Lemonade Pitcher Warmer,Scentsy Squeeze The Day Scent,

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