
Bill of Peace 2020 - Admissions & Stipulations - Maxims of Law Part 2 of 3

Bill of Peace 2020 - Admissions & Stipulations - Maxims of Law Part 2 of 3 Bill of Peace 2020
Source: "Admissions & Stipulations" document

For those unfamiliar with "Bill of Peace 2020", the deception within government and how that deception effects ones standing with God the Creator,
it is recommenced to view the following educational videos as prerequisite to viewing this one.

The American Illusion
Who Says We Need A License?

For further information on "Bill of Peace 2020" and the source document for this video,
Please visit

Produced and Created by YouTube Channel Truth2LoveInsideYou

Twitter WokeUp4U @Love2Truth

This video is not monetized and collects no proceeds. It's only purpose is for education.

Treaty of Peace 2020,Pillip Hoduk,Arbitration,OPT-IN,Legislation,US Congress,US Government,Congress,Free Will,God Given Rights,US Constitution,Government,Corruption,Award,contract,beneficiary,House of Delegates,Unconstitutional,U.S. Constitution,Law,legal,lawful,settlement,executive order,God,God's Law,Jesus,Bill of Peace 2020,Creator,Law of the Creator,Fraud,Government Fraud,Proof of Claims,RESPONDENTS,KJV,Law of God,Scripture,Authorities,Maxum of Law,Statues,

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