
How to get properly hacked! by Julien Topçu

How to get properly hacked! by Julien Topçu Yet another leak of credit card numbers on the internet! It is scary isn't it? But wait a minute! What are we doing to make sure our application is actually secured?

During this live-coding and live-hacking session, discover the most common mistakes in software developement leading to security vulnerabilities, that the vast majority of us do without even knowing it!

After that, you will not see your application in the same way ...

As a speaker I participated to DevFest Nantes, Voxxeddays Microservices (EN), DevFest Toulouse,, Devoxx Belgium (EN) and Codeur en Seine in 2018 and
BreizhCamp, Devoxx France, RivieraDev, Mixit, Voxxeddays Luxembourg and SunnyTech in 2019.


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