
Did Maimonides Conceal A Secret Doctrine In His Guide Of The Perplexed?

Did Maimonides Conceal A Secret Doctrine In His Guide Of The Perplexed? by Scott Michael Alexander, author of:
THE GUIDE: An Explanatory Commentary on Each Chapter
of Maimonides' Guide of The Perplexed

Find it at

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Thank you to Charlotte Alexander for producing and directing this video.

Documents referred to in the video:

• Maimonides, The Guide of the Perplexed, Friedlander Translation on line:

• Seeskin, Maimonides on the Origin of the World,

• Strauss, Persecution and the Art of Writing

• My commentary essay “Introduction II: Contradictions”

• My commentary essay on Guide 1:34

• My commentary essay on Guide 1:35

• My commentary essay on Guide 1:36

• My commentary essay on Guide 1:71:

• My commentary essay on Guide 1:72:

• My commentary essay on Guide 1:73:

• My commentary essay on Guide 1:74:

• My commentary essay on Guide 1:75:

• My commentary essay on Guide 1:76:

These commentary essays can all be found at

And see podcasts and videos for Guide 1:73 - 1:76 at

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[CC BY-SA 3.0] . Photo rights: Wikimedia Creative Commons 2.0 licensors Harvey Barrison, Zarateman, Yair Haklai, and Makinal~commonswiki. Music licensed: by Licensor Andy Warner, under an Audiojungle unlocked license for theme music.]

Rambam,Maimonides,Guide of the Perplexed,Aristotle,Judaism,Jewish Philosophy,Kalam,Prophecy,Fundamentals of Religion,Religion,Mishneh Torah,Creation Ex Nihilo,Aristotelianism,Heidegger,Leo Strauss,Shimon Bar Yohai,Seeskin,Orthodox Judaism,Treatise on Resurrection,Mishna,Noble Lie,Maaseh Bereshit,Maaseh Merkava,Mysticism,Kabbalah,

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