
Demo of In-Skill Purchasing in Alexa Skill Our Little Secret

Demo of In-Skill Purchasing in Alexa Skill Our Little Secret This demo is one of the entry requirements for the Amazon Alexa Skills Challenge: In-Skill Purchasing (#AmazonAlexaISPChallenge). It shows how the user of the Alexa Skill, Our Little Secret, can learn more about the Deeper Thoughts package and then buy it. The video also demonstrates some revisions to Our Little Secret. A make-believe brother and sister, Eric and Ashley provide the content of the skill. They each believe they have psychic abilities and a good sense of humor. Ashley reveals her Little Secrets for free, but Eric’s Deeper Thoughts will require the payment of a small one-time fee.

The skill itself provides different Welcome and Help messages depending on whether the Deeper Thoughts package has been purchased. Similarly, it will remind the user of the availability of the Deeper Thoughts package after every third Little Secret if the package hasn’t already been bought.

The responses are fictitious, humorous insights into what this sister and brother can gather through their psychic interactions with the user. Our Little Secret is a secret well worth sharing!


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