
7 Ways to Conduct Market Research with Little Money | Ep. #168

7 Ways to Conduct Market Research with Little Money | Ep. #168 Knowing your market is imperative to a successful hotel, resort, inn or bed & breakfast but research can be expensive.

Here are ways you can do on your own and without much money or training.

When hospitality properties develop an idea, whether it's a new service or a redesigned website, marketing research is often the first thing cut due to time or financial limitations.

That can make sense.

Working with marketing research firms can be very expensive and time-consuming. If you haven't done research before, it is very tempting to skip it and jump right into the development stage.
Hold on before you take that next step.

There's a lot of research you can do on your own and without much money or training.

Here are some low-budget ways to do some research and give your service, idea, or designs a better chance.

1) Interview Potential and Current Guests

Nothing is freer or more valuable than a conversation.

You might be pleasantly surprised at how willing and forthcoming people will be when prompted by some questions. They could give you insights into what's working for them and what's not. That is information that could spin-off to other ideas.

You can't generalise public opinion from a small group, but you can get a sense of which direction to pursue. Building an ongoing message-testing program can take some time but it's entirely achievable.

2) Look at Your Employees

Don’t underestimate the power of gathering data from your current employees.

Your sales and customer service teams can be a valuable resource when it comes to competition, customer feedback, new products and new markets. There is a wealth of data already sitting at your front door, you just need to know how to access it and then interpret it.

This may not result in a high quantity of data, but its quality will be unmatched.

Continue reading to see four more low-budget ways to do market research …

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