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For any copyright, please send me a message. A teacher quit working for the city Department of Education “because to stay would require my being complicit” in corruption. In a scathing letter to investigators and shared with The Post, the teacher describes a horrendous experience at Maspeth High School in Queens. “I made the difficult decision to resign rather than endure another year of intimidation and harassment, or be forced to pass students who did not earn it.” The teacher describes calling a parent about her daughter’s excessive absences. “The student’s mother was very upset that her daughter was telling her that it didn’t matter if she went to school or did her work because all students got 65s, no matter what.” The teacher didn’t tell the mom, but admits, “Sadly, it was the truth.” The teacher said athletic coaches bullied classroom teachers into passing members of their sports teams. One student “was extremely disruptive in class and never completed any assignments,” despite multiple calls home and informing the dean and a guidance counselor. At the end of a marking period, the baseball coach warned the teacher in “an aggressive tone” that failing the student would keep him off the team and “the student had the power to take down the whole school if he didn’t play baseball.” The teacher gave the student notes, a workbook and readings to complete to get back on track. But the student returned the workbook filled only with “joke random sentences.” Still, the teacher was admonished by colleagues close to administrators for not fixing his grade. She reported the harassment to the only assistant principal “I did not consider corrupt.” But that AP later vanished abruptly. The letter describes Principal Khurshid Abdul-Mutakabbir as a “non-presence” in the school. “He only engages with the ‘inside crowd.’ If you are not a member of that group, you are invisible.” The letter concludes: “I left the school because to stay would require my being complicit in Maspeth maneuvers and because I was not going to be a victim of any further acts of dishonesty and strong-arm tactics — even if, for now, it has cost me my career.” The DOE has said it is investigating the charges.