Family film/Documentary
- Razilee and Elijah is a vlogged film about two individuals who record there daily activities - it is full of music, laughter and outdoor fun. Much like a documentary. This film doesn't just showcase a recorded lifestyle - they update on future albums and films. A thrilling ride full of emotion and laughter.
- Director - Elijah Jones
- Co - Director - Razilee Blackmon
- Release Date: September 6, 2019 (USA)
- Genre: Documentary/Comedy
- Year: 2019
- Rating: PG (for brief mild language and some crude humor)
Subject to creative commons.
All songs belong to there rightful owners.
Episodes Premiere date: May 9, 2019
Episodes Ending date: July 11, 2019
Pacific Northwest Premiere: August 9, 2019
USA Premiere: September 6, 2019
I hope you guys enjoy this documentary. It was just for fun and to see how much we and me myself could really do through editing. I can't wait to see where it goes and I hope that while you guys watch this you could take or learn something out of it. With much love.
- Elijah Jones