Allow your real self to come through.
Do you want to know who you really are?
Or are you afraid?
Master of detachment level 1 and 2 are useful but not needed.
PLEASE READ ALL THE DESCRIPTION if you plan to use this subliminal
This subliminal has affirmations to help you find who you really are, accept yourself and enjoy life as your real authentic self. Most of them are questions, meant to challenge your mind to give you answers. I didn't put any suggestions about who you might be, I only told your subconscious mind to give you the answers. They will come in the form of revelations, ideas, dreams, creativity, self confidence, stand up for yourself, etc...
Also I added a blockage remover. It is needed because people block their real self all the time, trying to be who they think they need to be instead of just being themselves... It works through questions (do you want to remove everything that stands in the way of...), it is part of a certified healing technique called "access consciousness". So instruct your subconscious mind to answer YES. Once before you listen for the first time is enough.
Listen at a comfortable/low volume.
How much to listen? As long as you listen just for the pleasure of it. When you start asking yourself "isn't it enough already", or "should I listen more", or when listening becomes annoying, that is your mind telling you "that's enough for today".
The affirmations are repeated approx. 2.5 million times per minute.
Headphones are not needed.