
To those of you who just don't seem to get it

To those of you who just don't seem to get it From Carrie Timmons
To those of you who just don't seem to get it.....
Abby and Libby were REAL, LOVED and ARE DESPERATELY MISSED!!!!!!! They were beautiful, full of life, sweet, funny, sassy and even a bit smart assy daughters, sisters, granddaughters, nieces, cousins, and friends!! Abby and Libby were.... NO!!! They ARE...... OURS!!!!
Abby and Libby ARE NOT "the Delphi murders"!!!! They ARE NOT "the Delphi daughters"!!!! They weren't troublemakers, hoodlums, or promiscuous!!!! And more to the point, THEIR STORY ISN'T ENTERTAINMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We are seeking JUSTICE for our girls!!!! Not social media notoriety, fame, Facebook "likes" or "friends"!!!!
With that being said, please SHARE the information we DO HAVE (fliers, links etc). Help us to keep the memory of our girls alive!! Stop perperuating the drama and rumors!! In other words, QUIT STIRRING THE POT and LEAVE THE INVESTIGATING TO THE PROFESSIONALS!!!! Consider the fact that Abby and Libby have families who struggle EVERY SINGLE MINUTE OF EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!!! And we will for the rest of our lives!!!! At the end of the day, you all get to shut it off and go back to your families, BUT THIS IS OUR REALITY.......FOREVER.......

Delphi Girls,

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