
Quitting? Read description this is extremely important.

Quitting? Read description this is extremely important. I think it disrespectful if you subscribed, and didn't watch this video. You don't have to watch just the video, but do not skip ahead of ignore this message. Please do not panic when I say I might quit. It is not official I am quitting, I am taking a break. So don't spread rumors about this situation, and please don't share my channel with other people. I like being a small unnoticed channel, it gives me the freedom of having constant short breaks without hate. Now, this will not be a short break, it may not be a break at all, or it might be 4 months long. I do not know yet, all I know it that I need some time. I have a lot to do, lots on my mind and very little time. So if you read all the way through, thank you and please tell me you read this message or not in the comments. And about comments, don't be hesitant on what to comment, comment what's on your mind even if it includes cursing. Anything that has true opinion will be screenshotted (with permission) and will get a positive message about it. I appreciate true opinions and not pretending to be there, if you absolutely hate me, share it. I'll accept it and will not hate it in any way unless you get offensive in a way that will offend people other than me. Anyways, thats it for now. So, have fun.


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