=IFNA(INDEX(stores, MATCH(TRUE,EXACT($C$14,D$3:D$11),0)),"Off")
Returns true or false
=INDEX(stores, match($c$14,D$3:D$11))
=ifna(NA, "Off")
So you can see if we put the employee in the location, then the location is listed next to their name
So you are able to ensure that each employee has enough hours and each location is being covered
So let us look at the formula - it is quite a formula but we can break it down
The first part of the formula is the exact - the exact returns a true or a false and we are looking for a true
The second part of the formula is index/match
I have named the range of locations as stores
So I am returning the store where each employee is located
Then we have the if NA, if the formula does not return a store then we will say that this employee is off
Finally, to make this formula work you must treat it as an array. There for you must press ctrl-shift and enter at the same time to achieve this curly brackets -note typing in the curly brackets will not work.
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