
1.0.51 4GO accessory movement additional force (TRIVIAL)

1.0.51 4GO accessory movement additional force (TRIVIAL) When using the horizontal mouse scroll input or when typing in number inputs into the "move mode", while the accessory has a "slow" movement attribute, the accessory will have an "additional force" applied to it as you try to manipulate it.
X = side-to-side
Y = Up/down
Z = Forward backwards

X movement Gets Z movement
Y movement gets X movement
Z movement gets Y movement
X rotation gets X and Y movement? (looks like a curve)
Y rotation gets Y and Z movement? (looks like a curve)
Z rotation gets movement? when XYZ position is not 0
Z rotation gets a circular motion when XYZ position is not 0
XYZ scale gets nothing

These additional forces ?may change? depending on what bone you parent the accessory to.
Does not apply to the "number input" mode
Applies to both the in-dungeon in-world mode, and in the town/world map.


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