
Turning Point Church - Thus Far Has The Lord Helped Us - 07/07/19

Turning Point Church - Thus Far Has The Lord Helped Us - 07/07/19

We envision a church whose members are committed to prayer – both private, daily times of prayer and the corporate practice of prayer – both to deepen personal relationships with Christ and be used of Him through intercession.
We envision a church whose members are committed to worship – celebrating Jesus Christ with joyful singing and upraised hands in the power of the Holy Spirit.
We envision a church whose members are committed to loving people of all races, cultures, and nationalities, without regard for their past or their position in life, serving as examples of the love of Jesus Christ before the Metroplex.
We envision a church whose members are committed to the pursuit of people, who are not content to simply wait for people to come to them, but willing to seek and to save that which is lost.
We envision a church whose members are committed to sacrificing their cultural preferences to assimilate people of different cultures and languages into the church family and the kingdom of God.
We envision a church whose members are committed to serving in ministry, creating a culture of involvement where people recognize and exercise their spiritual gifts and callings.
We envision a church whose ministries are creative, who are willing to employ unique methods to express the love of Jesus to our community.
We envision a church whose ministries are practical: providing for the whole man – spiritually, physically, emotionally, socially, educationally, domestically, and financially.
We envision a church whose members are committed to God’s Word, to being disciples and making disciples who follow the Lord wholeheartedly in obedience.
We envision a church whose members are committed to giving to serve the purposes of God while on earth – for the ministries of the church, including the assistance of those in need – the widows, orphans, and hurting people of our city; and for ministries beyond our four walls.
We envision a church whose members are committed to Kingdom influence – realizing that we are part of a greater community and being willing to partner with other churches for the glory of Christ.

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