
perhaps nothing//incoming

perhaps nothing//incoming This video is a merging of my favorite poems from Certain Everythings and Eventual Goodbyes.

Contrary to what most who have read Certain Everythings assume, my favorite piece from the collection isn't the poem with the same title (Certain Everythings) which I have read during the launch. My favorite piece there is Perhaps Nothing.

It is the only piece in that collection which celebrates the uncertainty. The only one that doesn't demand assurance. This same uncertainty is justified by Incoming, the first poem in the sequel, Eventual Goodbyes.

I will probably steer clear from writing about human relationships after this. Lol. It's crazy how I still find it hard to keep people and to allow them to keep me. Ya feel me?


If you want to purchase a copy of either/both Certain Everythings and/or Eventual Goodbyes, please visit my Facebook page:


If you enjoy these pieces and would like to help me keep making them, please feel free to donate any amount to my tip jar: The Struggling Poet Society. Thank you very much!


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