
Michael Jackson shapeshifting into a Grey Alien?

Michael Jackson shapeshifting into a Grey Alien? Ask HoodedCobra what he thinks about Michael? And he'll tell you, "I think he was a good gentile! Working for humanity!". Awww... How sweet of him. :)

Michael Jackson is a smooth criminal! Always touching his crotch, and hanging out with little boys... Notice that it was never any little girls or little fat boys either. I heard Reptilians are pervs like that though, and Michael flaunted his pedo ways out in the open and yet a good chunk of the population STILL believed he was innocent... Smooth criminal indeed.

Lucky for him, he had money and power, and was able to hire very good lawyers, and like most of the time... These celebrities get away with their crimes. Oh, and he was more than likely an alien human host too, which is another reason why he got away with what he got away with I bet... According to Donald Marshall, he is seen in the cloning centers to this day... He's not dead. Still being a pedo too I bet.

I DO NOT OWN THIS VIDEO! Video credit goes to RichBlakMan a few of his videos I think are obvious bullshit, but there's quite a few of them that are pretty interesting and offer some pretty good information...


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