00:14 - Which house belongs to a vampire? These visual puzzles will increase your attention and boost up your brain power!
01:23 - A portion of emoji games to wake up your brain and prepare it for more difficult riddles! Guess the food by the emojis!
03:32 - Who is a fake ghost? Solve these visual puzzles for kids and adults if you want to increase your attentiveness and test your logic!
05:01 - How often do you use emojis? Do you remember how exactly they look like? Test your memory with this emoji quiz!
06:58 - Test your attention and boost your vision! Can you count all the ghosts?
08:35 - A cool portion of emoji riddles for kids and adults! Try to guess the sport by the emojis ;)
11:03 - Can you spot all the ghosts? Boost your vision and attention and try to solve these visual puzzles before the time is up!
12:36 - Pay attention to easily solve this visual puzzle! Can you spot a ghost?
TELL me IN THE COMMENTS which riddle completely blew your mind!
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