
Private Sector Support in Formulating Policies on RE Planning 1

Private Sector Support in Formulating Policies on RE Planning 1 Renewable Energy Confederation of Nepal (RECON) is a common forum of associations of private sector involved in supplying and delivering alternative energy service who are committed to lobby and advocacy and are highly dedicated in enabling environment to safe guard the rights and wellbeing of professionals and practitioners involved in renewable energy value chain.
RECON has been registered at District Administration Office Kathmandu as a non-profit non-government organisation.
The organisations associated with RECON had contributed extensively in successfully accomplishing the RE jobs in the past. After being organised as RECON the private sector is coming out with fresh commitments. The RECON activities are also to cater the need of collective efforts of public and private sector and other stakeholders.
Before the formal registration, RECON was active as Renewable Energy Coordination Committee (RECC) for six years in strengthening the private sector dedicated to available renewable energy technologies to the users and users' communities. The people residing at remote hills, mountains, high mountains and Terai and urban areas are benefitted with the technologies availed.
Eight institutions, that are, Nepal Biogas Promotion Association (NBPA), Nepal Micro Hydropower Development Association (NMHDA), Rural Technology Promotion Association Nepal (RuTPAN), Solar Electric Manufacturers Association Nepal (SEMAN), Solar Thermal Association Nepal (STAN), Water and Energy Consultants Association Nepal (WECAN), Biogas Sector Partnership Nepal (BSP-Nepal) and Resource Management and Rural Empowerment Centre (REMREC) had joined to the confederation. The confederation plans for wider partnerships in the sector to grow more and help all stakeholders to well grow so as more such institutions are expected to join RECON.
In the year 2017, RECON had organized a number of interactions and discussions on various burning issues and taken to policy makers and high authorities for better environment to create for expected results in the sector of renewable energy and desired involvement of private sector. The confederation is also in communication with important and influential government bodies to collaborate in a bid to create better working climate for the stakeholders of RE Movement including private sector.
Similarly, in the year 2018, RECON organized a few but valuable programmes. Financing for RE promotion and RE for Agriculture are few to name.
In the Year Plan of 2019, the confederation will be organising movements keeping in view RE promotion in technical, financial and administrative aspects by gathering supporting strength of governmental, non-governmental and private sector including academia, media, professionals and all.
So as, RECON realizes that private sector engaged in supply and services is an important player and is in need of wider cooperation from other stakeholders to enable it to perform at its best. Policies, therefore are in dire need of improvement to address sector anomalies that discourage private sector engagement.
The National Planning Commission (NPC), the specialised and apex advisory body of the Government of Nepal for formulating a national vision, development policy, periodic plans and sectoral policies for overall development of the nation has been working on formulating Energy Policy for country for different periodical time frames which will also be useful to the Provincial Governments and Local Level Governments. Hence, RECON is going to organise a Consultative Workshop on Private Sector Views and Opinions to support formulating Strategic Energy Plans as stated below.
The workshop will be participated in by professionals, entrepreneurs, academia, media and organisations involved in RE promotion activities with the view to create access of modern energy to all people including those who are lagged behind by social, economic and other reasons.


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