
Few Minutes in the Life of Insufferable Bird Nerds

Few Minutes in the Life of Insufferable Bird Nerds Many of my neighbors and I are nature enthusiasts who keep tabs on the local Red-tailed Hawk Nest and were comparing notes on warblers and woodpeckers and other fauna during the spring migration early in May. If you follow my blog on Facebook at you might be able to follow this discussion, but I do worry most of you will wonder what the heck we are talking about but just in case you want to follow along, Robert and I are photographers and had agreed to meet up to take pictures at a local park here in Kinnelon, New Jersey where there is a Red-tailed-Hawk's nest. The hawks had just hatched a couple of chicks in the nest they used last year to kick out three that made quite a spectacle for all who visited the park and we are excitedly anticipating the photo opportunities that will present this spring and summer.

While we were talking a gentleman came through who just happened to be the first to photograph the young chicks just one year prior and another local photographer had captured the first photograph this year.

Rather than work all this backstory into the video I just thought I would present it as a slice of life.

RTH,Red-tailed Hawk,Wildlife,Photography,Kinnelon,Woodpecker,Warbler,bird,fauna,animal,hike,

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