
Out Exploring/ (James The Fam Turns self In)

Out Exploring/ (James The Fam Turns self In) Ugue and Holywalkers go out to explore while doing so we get word that James The Fam turns himself in. Be sure to check out James love stream from today to see that he got released also be sure to check out Ugue livestream while we were at cemetery.

Thank you all for all of your support it is so appreciated.

Please continue to provide support to Us, UGUE, & The Fam.

We all are needing your support as we move forward and explore more places for you.

Joe from Urban Ghost Urban Exploration:

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30 Minute Alone Challenge:

Be sure to check us out on Roku Holywalkers season 1: Haunted america helps support us by watching our first season let us know what you think about it love
you all.

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haunted,Paranormal,Poltergeist,Ghost hunters,Ghost adventures,Ghosts,Spirits,

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