
10 Animals We Failed To Domesticate

10 Animals We Failed To Domesticate 10 Animals We Failed To Domesticate
We have attempted to domesticate certain animals and failed. This happens for several reasons. Most of the time, it is because some animals are so wary of humans that the creatures will flee at first sight. Others are just too aggressive to be domesticated, which may lead to attacks on and even the death of the breeder.

Another distinct category of animals is classified as tamed but not domesticated. In these cases, the animal has been bred to tolerate and maybe obey humans, but it is not safe enough to be classified as a domestic animal. Tamed animals still have their wild instincts and can quickly turn rogue

Top 10 animals in danger of extinction

Javan rhinoceros.
Red tuna.
Asian elephant.
Vaquita porpoise.
Mountain gorilla.
Irrawaddy river dolphin.
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