
What are your Erotic Edges?

What are your Erotic Edges? Have you ever desired something that simultaneously turned you on AND scared you?

Are you skilled at intimacy & enjoy feeling ‘safe’ in your relationships, yet hesitate when it comes to exploring the mystery of the unknown?

You may be stifling your own Eros through avoiding exploring the space where your comfort zone meets your discomfort.

Our erotic edges hold deep wisdom, revealing what is happening in our unique and beautiful erotic mind.

The Three Steps to exploring your erotic edges

1. Acknowledging the edge - Writing is a great way to explore and make it more real.
2. Lean into the Edge - discovering of what feels good and where you want to go
3. Be Curious - softly feel into it

Olivia Jade, Sex & Relationship Coach
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Erotic Edges,Intimacy Coaching,Tantra Vancouver,

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