
Im So hot Mep (OPEN) | Gacha life | Read desc for info

Im So hot Mep (OPEN) | Gacha life | Read desc for info Song:

- You must have great editing
- 1 watermark allowed
- Be creative and deligent on you're part
- Finish you're part due to the deadline (May 1) i will give them notification
-Put some lyrics on your part
- Know what you are doing
Theme: Like the pic (Pop)
You also must use the colors thats displayed on the picture
- Must have Effects and tweening
- Cut you're part carefully
- Wait ti'll you get hearted and replied as yours
- You must reply back or you'll get kicked out/Removed.
- When you finished your part put the link here in the comments below
- Dont put your name on the video cause i will do that
- You must comment this or you'll get ignored


-Dont Fight on a part
-If you finised your part , put this on the desc

Published: April 10
Deadline: May 1
Pass: PandieJamieImSoHot

Not done - 🔕
Done - 🔔

Intro: Mine

Part 1: Gacha Aura (🔕)

Part 2:

Part 3: Gacha Delicate (🔕)

Part 4: Dawn Playz (🔕)

Part 5: TIARA CHAN (🔔)

part 6: ItsJâmiéPlâyz White (🔕)

Part 7: Gacha Eclipse (🔕)

Part 8: DrAhxelYT 13 (🔕)

Part 9: Jenni and Jessi (🔕)

Part 10:

Goodluck :)


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