The Seven Tools of Emotional Release
Remove all jewelry. Make sure you have adequate space to practice and will not be disturbed.
The intent is to move the emotional body into ease and a felt sense of wellbeing. Say,
"I am
going to the optimum level of being, for the purpose of expressing and releasing my emotional body. I
intend to be present and witness as I let go of what no longer serves me. I agree to not harm myself,
anyone, or anything. The space that I vibrate open will be filled with resolution, freedom and love."
1. Hand Scream- Place hands over your month to block sound. Scream into hands either
out loud or silently. Move your belly to keep energy flowing.
2. Pillow Scream- Place pillow over your month to block sound. Scream into pillow as you
move your belly to keep energy flowing.
3. Power Stomping- Stand with hands extended over your head. Move your legs as if
running in place and have arms mirror leg movement above your head. Scream out,
“Ahhhhhhh!” and keep the energy moving.
4. Wailing/Grief Ritual- Do this either standing, on your knees or laying on your back.
Allow your head fall backward, open your heart and chest, your arms are extended out
to the sides and your mouth is open as you wail!
5. Pillow Pounding- Kneel in front of a pile of pillows/cushions. Clasp your hands together
and pound the pillows with your forearms. Do not punch with fists. Use well sewn, dustfree, non-feather pillows.
6. Pelvic Thrusting with Pillow- Lay on a bed or on top of pillows or cushions. Have a
pillow in front of your pelvis. Thrust your pelvis into that pillow as if you are copulating.
7. Tantrum- Lay on your belly or your back. Have pillows under your extremities. Throw a
temper tantrum as if you are 2 years old.
Fight, Flight and Freeze are ways the SNS responds to feeling threatened. Notice when these
reactions arise. Use sound, breath and movement to release the tension. If you freeze, feel
numb or get stuck try the “Fetal Freeze”- Take a deep breath, then exhale fully as you contract into
a fetal position. Hold the breath in this position for several seconds. Exhale fully, as you relax the body
totally open. Repeat at least 2 more times.