
What's happening to Betelgeuse?

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What's happening to Betelgeuse? It's faded to an all-time low, which got people wondering if it was about to go supernova. It isn't, but something very strange is happening to the red supergiant star Betelgeuse and nobody is sure why. Betelgeuse in Orion is about to go supernova, but probably not for up to 100,000 years. In the meantime, why is it so dim?

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What's happening to Betelgeuse,why is betelgeuse fading,betelgeuse,betelgeuse fading,betelgeuse fainting,betelgeuse supernova,betelgeuse explosion,supernova progenitor,high mass stars,high mass star death,when will betelgeuse star go supernova,when will betelgeuse explode,christian ready,launch pad astronomy,launchpad astronomy,variable star,betelgeuse dimming,

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