To give you all a little background about myself and what my purpose, with this channel is all about.
I was born in Detroit, Michigan and lived in the outskirts of the dirty D all my life. We all have a story to tell and we all have a past, good, bad, happy and sad. I will tell you about all them. I was 32 years old and went to prison and want to tell my life story to keep as many of you from traveling down that road of life, that can turn into a very bumpy ride.. If my life story and experiences can prevent 1 person from getting locked up...then this channel is all worth it to me. My negative experience will be turned into a positive for anyone willing to listen. So pay attention to what I say OR you might end up on the "Road to Prison"!
Y'all can find me at these other places on social media;
Facebook; Road to Prison
Twitter; @HarleeJagerman roadtoprison
Instagram; roadtoprison
Want to write an old fashioned letter or send love notes?;
P.O. Box 66135
Roseville, MI 48066
Do you want to call, text OR drop a voicemail on the RTP hot-line?
Here's the # 313-747-1225
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