

PUBLISH YOUR ONLINE COURSE - Step-by-step Congratulations! You've made an online course. That's a huge accomplishment but you've still got a bit of work ahead if you want to actually PUBLISH your online course.

In this video I'll recap the course building process, tell you how to prepare for uploading your course and walk you through the publishing process. If you'd like to follow along, you can get a free 14 day trial at

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Recap (What you want to have already done) - 0:50
-Outline and structure your course:
-Script your course lessons:
-Build your lessons slides:
-Record your lessons:
-Edit your videos:

Prep-work (What you need to prepare before publishing) - 1:40
-Use the course outline template as a guide for how to structure your course (
-Have additional resources (links, pdf downloads, etc.) ready to upload
-Learn about building a sales page to discover any additional items you might want to prepare: (Make an amazing sales page that actually converts)
-Make sure lesson files and resources are saved in the folder that's titled with their corresponding module
-Have your file browser open and ready to drag and drop files

Publishing walk-through - 2:24
-Add your new course
-Add your course sections based on your course outline template
-Add your files to their corresponding sections
-Edit the appearance of your course and sales pages
-Set your pricing

-FREE 14 day Podia trial:
-Build a presentation based course FROM START TO FINISH:
-Course outline template:
-Make an amazing sales page that actually converts:

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publish your online course,how to publish your online course,publishing an online course,online course,online courses,online course publishing walk-through,uploading your online course,podia,

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