
How to give Ear Medication to your Dog

How to give Ear Medication to your Dog Steps to Administer Liquid Medication

- Place a slip lead or a leash around your dog's neck. This is will remind the dog that you are in charge. It will show your dog that you are physically and mentally in control during this interaction and expect the dog to behave.
- Next, put the dog in a sit position.
- You should position yourself either behind or beside the dog. You may kneel or stand next to the dog or even place him on a table. This all depends on your dog's size and your physical agility.
- With the fluid in the syringe, tilt the dog's nose upward towards the ceiling.
- Slide the syringe through the corner of the dog's lips and into the space between the cheek and the molar teeth.
- Inject slowly by pressing the plunger end of the syringe and holding the dog's head still. The dog will involuntarily swallow. If you try to force the medication in too quickly, it may flood the dog's throat and make it an unpleasant experience.
- Remember to be firm yet gentle verbally and physically when administering the medication. We do not want to frighten the dog. However, we do not want the dog to feel as though he can struggle his way out of the situation.

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