
God's Promises Are Bigger Than You Can Imagine - Gary Wilkerson

God's Promises Are Bigger Than You Can Imagine - Gary Wilkerson God gave Abraham an amazing promise, one that would change his life and his family forever. Do you have a promise from God, a precious promise for your life?

I’m Gary Wilkerson with World Challenge.

Has God given you a word from Heaven that will both shake and shape your life? Well, just what is a promise? Is it a new home, a better car, a higher paying job, more fame and comfort? If that your highest promise your probably not hearing all that God has for you.

His promise is bigger, more amazing that you could imagine. Why? Because His promise is not primarily about you but about Him. It is a promise of you being a part of something much bigger than yourself, and that bigger thing is God and His purposes.

When I live to only to gain promises that my life will be bigger, better, brighter, I miss the higher calling of a life in service to God, making his name know better, his glory seen brighter.

We’d love to pray with you so that you could find your highest calling. Tell us how we can pray with you at

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Christianity,Gary Wilkerson,World Challenge,God's promises,promise from God,word from Heaven,higher calling,

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