
Ask the Pilot - How to choose the right flight school.

Ask the Pilot - How to choose the right flight school. Hi!

Another episode of Ask the Pilot. every week I answer one aviation-related question asked by you in the comments below.

This week we're talking about choosing the right flight school for you. Paying for a flight training will maybe come to be the single most expensive investment in your life, you can imagine how important it is to find the right one for you.

I attended two different schools in Sweden, I did a so-called modular training.
The firs tone I went to is called SPU, Swedish Pilot Education:

The second one I went to is called South Sweden School of Aeronautics:
Unsuccessfully I couldn't find the web address to this school, can be that it doesn't exist any longer.

Schools that I have visited in the UK on recruitment days with the airline that I fly for today:

Please feel free to comment on your flight school below and the pros and cons. It would also help greatly if you would be able to answer questions about that flight school would anyone ask.

Thank you for watching :)

Until next time,


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