This video is a bit of a hot mess, but it's an attempt to explain why there hasn't been any content updates to the channel lately. I'm giving you a peek at my basement remodel featuring a dedicated gaming area and also a crafting area for my wife. Hey, some arguments are better left for another day. You'll see an early version of the console setup (they are still being tested and wiring is still being worked out) and my arcade game setup. I still have lots of work to do including deep cleaning, some shelving mainly for stereo equipment and lots of trim work. Enjoy and I promise to be back soon with the long promised Pac-Man port battle.
Edit: The NES needs a 72-pin connector (not 70) and I realize the title sequence is messed up. Not enough to make me want to re-edit the whole thing!
Arcade Games,Video Games,Basement Remodel,Dig Dug,Track & Field,Centipede,Ms. Pac-Man,Donkey Kong Jr.,Donkey Kong,Nintendo Switch,Playstation,Playstation 2,Playstation 3,Playstation 4,Xbox 360,Sega Genesis,NES,Gamecube,Wii,Nintendo 64,Wii U,