
After Iran Strikes Back, President Trump Indicates A De-Escalation

After Iran Strikes Back, President Trump Indicates A De-Escalation After Iran struck two U.S. bases in Iraq with more than two dozen missiles Tuesday night, President Trump gave a national address saying that no Americans had been killed and indicating that American military action was off the table, at least for now. But as Democrats continue to question the veracity of the White House’s claims of an “imminent” attack planned by Soleimani, and at least one Republican senator had harsh words for the Trump administration's briefing of lawmakers Wednesday, many questions remain. To discuss, Jim Braude was joined by Jim Walsh, a senior research associate at MIT’s Security Studies Program; Monica Duffy Toft, a professor of international politics and director of the Center for Strategic Studies at Tuft’s Fletcher School of Law & Diplomacy; and Gautam Mukunda, a fellow at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government and the author of ‘Indispensable: When Leaders Really Matter.’

Boston,Massachusetts,WGBH,Greater Boston,

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