
Women Are Perfect Little Angels - MGTOW

Women Are Perfect Little Angels - MGTOW Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Adam and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I would like this video to focus in on how the media constantly tries to demonize men by accusing us of being potential rapists or sexual harassers even abusing women. Yet, they never focus in on how woman abuse the two most vulnerable groups children (infanticide, child neglect disproportionately crimes commited by women) and abuse of the elderly. It also appears that women abuse the disabled at an increased rate as well. Therefore, I posit that the notion that women are better nurturers or caretakers, better custodians of societies vulnerable is patently false. This is lines up perfectly with solipsism being baked into their nature, it would clearly bleed into other areas of life. May you also go your own way in peace" Well Adam thanks for the donation and topic. But before I get to it let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to Adam and how he wants me to roast the media and all the lardass landwhales that work for them. Adam the thing to remember is the reason that the mainstream media is demonizing men right now is because it's being taken over by social justice warriors and it will continue to do so as it continues to fail it's way into oblivion. No one under fifty is buying newspapers or watching cable television anymore and those are the people that spend the most money in the economy. So the mainstream is laying off competent journalists with credibility and are instead hiring much cheaper activist journalists that are producing more rage bait for the few people that still are consuming those old school media formats. Right now we have to deal with CNN hit pieces that attack MGTOW but at some point as their advertising dollars dry up because the eyeballs keep going away they won't even have money for the activist journalists anymore. What are they supposed to do then? Who cares? There won't be anyone watching. When a landwhale farts in the woods you might be able to hear and smell it in outer space. But when there's no one watching the mainstream media it won't matter because people won't be talking about the story around their office cooler because no one will have heard it accept the feminist with ironic glasses. If she brings up the story people won't really know what she's talking about and they will just move on. Of course the mainstream rarely makes commercials or programming that shows how abusive some women can be. If they did that they would piss off what few female viewers they still have. They are already desperate so why would they want to make things worse? One of my clients works as a nurse in a nursing home and she tells me all kinds of stories about having to deal with aggressive old people that won't shutup. The nurses just over medicate the trouble makers which oftentimes leads to their premature deaths. That's abuse in my book even though the nurse I know tries to justify it by saying that the old people will either be medicated or they will go crazy. I even egged her on to admit it by asking her how she deals with all those aggressive elderly senior citizens and that there's no way to handle them without drugging them up.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""


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