
Politicians Reap Unlimited Lobbyist Gifts

Politicians Reap Unlimited Lobbyist Gifts Sign the petition:
Join our national day of action:

Pennsylvania is one of only eight states where lobbyists can give unlimited gifts to politicians. Tickets to a Beyoncé concert. A trip to Key West. Boxing lessons. These are just some of the gifts lobbyists have given to politicians. And it's how special interests across America use their deep pockets to influence politicians and serve their interests, instead of the will of the people.

We will only beat them by fighting back state by state until we win federal reform.

This bill is only here because of years of pressure campaigns from RepresentUs members and a statewide coalition. We've joined marches, been arrested, and even sent plungers to the capitol to demand a lobbyist gift ban. Now it's up to our movement to increase the pressure and show that the entire country is watching them.

Sign the petition or join our national day of action to tell politicians: pass the gift ban before the session ends on December 18th. We need to end political corruption.

Money in Politics,Campaign,Finance,Reform,Lobbyist,Lobbying,Corruption,Super,PAC,Citizen's United,Bundler,Fundraising,Spending,United Republic,Republic Report,Political corruption,Citizens united decision,Corporate lobbyists,Cost of election,How to fix democracy,Unfair elections,Money in democracy,Corporate influence,Get money out of politics,Election spending,Political money,Money influence,

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