Step 1) Load into an online lobby and exit your garage into day
Step 2) go to your network settings and disconnect from the wifi/internet connection and reconnect
Step 3) go to "play solo" and exit your garage into day time again
Stdp 4) go to the pause menu znd scroll all the way right to "go online" and select that option. Once it finishes loading, simply back out of the pause menu
Step 5) go to the parts store and buy any part for your car
Step 6) go toward tge dealership and head for the speed trap right past the dealership and hit it doing 110mph and your money will be reset
Step 7) go to the dealership and purchase the most expensive car u can and have it sent to your garage
Step 8) back out of the dealership and hit the speed trap again doing 110mph and your money will be put back in your account.
Step 9) rinse and repeat steps 7 and 8 until you have the desired amount of cars sent to your garage.
Step 10) close the app and reload back into an online session (accept the error codes as they come up and select "yes" on the one about your inventory
Step 11) upon loading into your garage youll notice all the cars u bought lined up in your showcase. Go to showcase, select a car and sell it. Do this with the most expensive car and you will make millions in minutes!
If this unlimited money glitch helped you out or you have any questions please leave a comment below and i will do my best to assist u ASAP! Thanks for watching!