
Narcissistic Supply Explained, not all supply is created equal

Narcissistic Supply Explained, not all supply is created equal Narcissistic Supply is what the narcissist needs in order to feel worthy, fulfilled and superior. They do not have the ability to emotionally regulate themselves, therefore they must have narcissistic supply. I categorize narcissistic supply sources and grades into two different categories, premium and regular, just like the gasoline. Premium is always preferred, but regular will do and is certainly better than none. The source of narcissistic supply is the person and the grade of narcissistic supply is the intensity of the attention. Positive narcissistic supply is always preferred, however, beware that negative supply is better than none and they absolutely can extract negative premium narcissistic supply from harming other people is positive supply isn't an option.

Jill Wise is a life long survivor of narcissistic abuse. She was raised by a malignant narcissist and married to one. She has endured the extremes of parental alienation. She understands all aspects of narcissistic abuse, parental alienation and complex PTSD. She now uses what she has learned from her experience to help other victims. If you feel you may benefit from narcissistic abuse recovery coaching, please visit her website, or send her an email at Sometimes getting the help and support of a professional who has gone through this is a necessary step to healing.

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