
Mechanics of Dealing with virtually any IMPACTED TOOTH

Mechanics of Dealing with virtually any IMPACTED TOOTH This video is result of many years of dealing with impacted teeth.. I had a very difficult case, that had 2 ankylosed cuspids behind the upper centrals. I had them broken loose by an oral surgeon and I started trying to pull them in. I was using just a spring but it didnt work and I had to come up with some way to transfer the force from the spring to the impacted tooth. Thats where the waxed dental floss came in use.

I could change direction with it and loose very little force. Since that case, we have used that method of putting force with a spring and carrying that force to impacted tooth where ever it was.

I have looked at many different ways of guiding in teeth. I have never found one that had all the requirements that you need. With this method, you can put a known amount of force and it will be very much the same 2 or 3 weeks later. It pulls the teeth in the direction you need it to go and it is a constant thing in the patient doesnt need to do anything with it.

It has some effect on pulling thw whole maxilla or mandible teeth forward as I show in the videos.

Impacted tooth,ankylose,

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