Of course, inspiration is only the starting point. For detailed remodeling tips and guides, product reviews, and collections, check out our home page at:
We have not chosen these images for their trendiness. Trends are fleeting but a remodeling project is a rather permanent proposition. So we always recommend to our clients that they find a solid design style that they like and that is timeless, not trendy.
This video is part of a series containing our collection of kitchen images. They include designs that are traditional and transitional as well as trending. There is something here to appeal to every design taste.
Incidentally, some of the pictures shown here feature our own work.
When going through these kitchen remodel pictures, we suggest taking the time to observe details as well as the overall design effect.
Look at matching, contrasting and complementary color combinations
Look at the use of combinations of materials like wood, tile, and granite
Look at the layout of kitchen cabinetry and work triangles
Look at details like the placement of wall ovens and kitchen exhaust hoods
Look at the use of hardware like cabinet pulls and plumbing fixtures
It is attention to these kinds of details that can make the difference between an OK design and a great design.
By the way, as you work through this and our other kitchen videos, we have a suggestion.
When you come across something you like or that intrigues you, pause the video, take a screenshot, copy/paste the image into a document (we use Google Docs), and make an annotation under it for future reference. Save the document in a kitchen ideas folder
Design inspirations will gradually morph into the vision of what you want to see at the end of your kitchen remodel project. But there is a big gap to be filled between your vision and actually bringing it to life. Developing a vision is only the start of the creative process.
In our experience, kitchen remodeling is:
25% Inspiration and vision
25% Planning
50% Budget, Management & Execution
In other words, kitchen remodeling is one part inspiration and three parts perspiration.
At we bring our many years as a builder and especially remodeling contractor online. On our site you will find tips, guides and product picks useful to anyone contemplating any kind of remodeling or renovation project.
You will also find special insight into aging in place and what it takes to make a home retirement ready. For example, in the kitchen, this includes the use of induction cooktops for kitchen safety as compared to gas or regular electric cooktops.
We suggest you check out this article: How to approach a kitchen remodel and not go crazy:
That page includes addressing the 7 major kitchen space design elements, together with a 101 point kitchen remodel checklist.
Also, take a look at: How to layout a kitchen remodel and stay organized:
That page includes the 31 Illinois kitchen rules and 6 configurations of the kitchen work triangle.
Finally, on our site, you will see that we emphasize the importance of getting and staying organized. This is the key to a successful remodel project. As we said above, 75% of it relates to planning, budget, management, and execution.
We highly recommend this ready-made Remodeling Planner that you can get on Amazon at this link
By the way, as an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.
We are developing our YouTube channel to include similar videos on bathrooms, living rooms, and other key remodeling components. All will be in separate playlists. Please subscribe.
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