
Huge Secrets Fast Food Restaurants Tried To Hide

Huge Secrets Fast Food Restaurants Tried To Hide Fast food companies are like any other big corporation: they have secrets. Sure, no one is perfect and success comes at a price, but considering customers are the ones paying, shouldn't they know what's really going on at their favorite chain? Here's what some didn't want you to know.

Sometimes, you just need a hot cup of coffee to get you through the rest of the day, and you might not think much of swinging through a drive-thru and grabbing one. But here's the thing — in 2018, the BBC estimated that 99.75 percent of those coffee cups weren't recycled.

Statistics are staggering: according to CNN, Starbucks alone went through a whopping 3.85 billion paper cups just in 2017. That's an insane amount of garbage, and even though some chains — like Starbucks and McDonald's — made the seemingly responsible move of replacing their plastic straws, they're still spitting out a ton of garbage in the form of non-recyclable cups.
Here's another fun fact: those paper straws? It turns out, says the BBC, they're not recyclable, either. They're too thick.

It's not like they haven't tried to come up with a more environmentally friendly option, though. It turns out that it's difficult to make a paper cup that will not only hold up to a hot beverage without falling apart or changing the way it tastes, but also be affordable enough to produce in mass quantities. But what about those cups that have the recycle symbol on them? It's true that they are technically recyclable, but most facilities don't have the capability of separating the paper from their plastic lining. And in some cases, it just means they were at least partially made from recycled materials, not that they're recycable themselves. And that means most end up in landfills, which is exactly what we don't want.

Watch the video to learn more huge secrets fast food restaurants tried to hide!

#FastFood #FastFoodSecrets

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