
Elderwood TRADEMARKED the Hexagonal Dice Box - Can we help OPPOSE?

Elderwood TRADEMARKED the Hexagonal Dice Box - Can we help OPPOSE? Chris Taylor Jr. received various copyright and trademark-based takedown notices from Elderwood Academy for his 3D Printed Model of a Hex Dice Box he posted on Thingiverse.

We intend to help Chris fight the trademark registration and keep Hex Dice Boxes available to everyone who wants to make one.

GoFundMe link for more info and to donate!

After some research, we've discovered that Elderwood Academy has been GRANTED a trademark on a hexagonal dice box as shown below (and without further branding or design).
Elderwood Academy's Trademark Application can be found here:

Generally speaking, Patent law protects product designs and Trademark law protects branding. Trademark law usually can't be used to protect the "functions" of a product. Last, you usually can't trademark basic shapes (like a hexagon and diamond). We at Lawful Masses (and licensed Attorney Leonard French, Esq.) believe that this is a weak trademark that is ripe for Opposition. 

The trademark application has been granted and published to the Federal Register specifically for Opposition. We have 30 days from Dec 10th, 2019, to file an Opposition to the full Registration of the mark.

Please see the GoFundMe we've set up for more information and to donate!

If you would like to directly donate to Chris Taylor Jr., his GoFundMe from his involuntary one-way move across the US by School Bus is here:


#elderwood #hexbox #trademark


December $50+ Supporters:
Aspernari, John Steel, Gavin Barnard, Eevi, Kyle Mudrak, Michael Pearce, Spirit Bear, Jan Negrey, Daniel Perez, Snorre Wisotzky, blackleaf, Joe Tyson, Benjamin Hitov, Stephen, Rumble in the Bunghole, Cute Grills in your area...

December $5+ Supporters:
Arron Washington, Keith Marrocco, Georg Monsen, Dustin Rodriguez, Fatal Foxtrot, Beef, Cindy Campbell, Brian Flowers, Eye_Make_Stuff, Lazy Wolf, Hayden Ainger, Justin Pomeroy, Christen C Cloar, Lydia Collinson, NotMike, JH, Stephen Bank, Arya, Michael Morris, Mark Randall, Richard Shotwell, Paul Bible, Nicholas Romano, Sarah Gerweck, Matthew East, Michael Potter, Casey Smyth, Pat Delaney, Michael Howard, Mario Bonales, Michael Kenton, Euchale, Lauren, charlieabelar, Vaylenisme, Renee Starling, Brody Eastwood, Ian McDonald, Marcus Agehall, Joe Roberts, Sokar117, Jonathan Robillard, Henrik Eriksson, Amanda Gillies, Derresh, Scott, Justin Waddell, Tim Springer, Zzyzx Wolfe, Andrew Sellers, Vienticus, Matthew, Camilla Sandman, Del, Nathaniel Cherry, Tony Cruickshank, Cash Steel, Christoph Bolliger, Sheila Boettcher, Zoe, Gregory Ford, Tron Bårdgård, TwixOps, Druid, BodhyOhs, Richard Jeffery, Simon Dompeling, Jason Lingle, Bryan Mitchell, CivMaster, Kari Sunderland, Oisin Creaner, Dimitrios Georgakopoulos, Stephen Christopher, Jerry Knight, Kasierith Atrovska, TEEKAY, Stefan Persson, Edward & Hila Goikhman, JAXMerrick, Frederick Cooper, Wes Morrison, Casey Kikendall, Keith Myers, Eric Johnfelt, Daniel Kertesz, HenTropy, CombatZAK, Alys McClelland, Catherine Tetzlaff, Carla Jean Lauter, Jaimeson LaLone, Dan Chevrie, Alexander Sihn, Kate Rijacki Ledum, Naomi Pool, SJ Zero, Andrew Reid, David McGuire Jr., EnvyingWrath, Brandon, Darkwolf, sehro, Brian Rossman, Steven Hess, KnifeEdge, FunnyHats, allquixotic, Ana Razo, Lord bork, Chris Lindsay, Albert Demello, Rob Frawley 2nd, Caleb Veenstra, Rico Robbins, Kean Maizels, Durga Devi, Anthony Webb, Mark Curtis, JOSEPH ALEXANDER BROWN, RedR0ze, Bernard Saturday, Scott Inwood, Euan C, Evan Foster, Nathaniel Reindl, Josey Howarth, Kai Raphahn, Andrew "FastLizard4" Adams, Jesse Stam, Gumblejak, Schawn Schoch, Håkan Andersson, Si Wellings, Daniel A Carey, Robert Balayan, Mitchell Thatcher, majikthise, foonix, TheEuphoGuy, rfc805, Daniel Ducharme, Ph.D., Powers Bilodeau, Dave Vike, Roger Chen, DreamerDon, Michael Scheliga, WhiskersIsCat, Anonymous Lizard, Biking With Panda, ShadowMage, Schuyler Rowe, Brian, Pamalam, Matthew Bertrand, Mathew Billman, Jack Draak, Michal Kawiak, Cristian Smith, piparalegal2019, Vincent Baier, Charles Surett, Georgio Mosqueda, Marco Cavatto, Martin Rafferty, anthony corrado, Y'all Ain't Right, EZ3ddie, Frank, Kevin Welsh, witch'sFISTS, Adam Greene, Martin Wennerstrom, Pierre Hugo, DyneOnline, Jenny Yim, Nick Rowland, Leo Uino, Holly Provencal, Andrew McIlhone, Blake Jones, Timothy James Dodd, Chris Large, woopsi, freelancer, rcmaehl, Nick Mancini, Scott F. Comstock, james melanson, Patrick Herendeen, Lewis, Daniel Dunham, Andrew Rhone, Kent Kawahara, Andy M, CynicalOverdose, Kat Willhite, Lane Mortensen, Jeffrey Teekell, Komrade Kettenkrad

elderwood academy,elderwood games,hex chest,hexagonal dice box,trademark,dice box trademark,hex box trademark,

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