
Ditch the baggage and choose great luggage for your journey!

Ditch the baggage and choose great luggage for your journey! We're coming up to the end of 2019 I want to really encourage you to really stop and think about what baggage, I mean, baggage weighs you down. It's not the nice stuff to take with you. What baggage are you in danger of taking with you into 2020 you know what stuff is just hanging around that isn't serving you. It's just taking your energy away from you, it's not supporting you. What stuff could you just let go of and not take with you into 2020? Have a think about it in terms of mindset; what things are, notice what you tell yourself on a regular basis.

What do you tell yourself on a regular basis? Do you say, you know, you can't do this, or do you say you're stupid? Because if you do, it's just the kind of baggage that you hang it, that you're taking around and it's going to drag you down. Start to notice, start to become aware of what's the baggage that you're hanging in, taken around that's hanging around you that actually you don't need anymore, that you can let go off because it's not serving you in the air of the mindset.

I know there's lots of people I've worked with this last 12 months actually I've had some real money blocks, at the time they didn't realise, but they actually had some real issues around financials and money and the whole money mindset actually wasn't serving them and helping them move forward and create the kind of lifestyle that they wanted.

Are you the kind of person that lets bills pile up? Are you the kind of person that pays yourself last and pays everybody else? That's what I'm talking about, that's exactly the kind of baggage that you could be taking into 2020 that's not going to serve you.

Momentum is about moving forward, about keeping things moving. Sometimes the baggage barrier might be keeping stuff in your head. A big challenge for me has been getting stuff out of my head, writing it down, created a plan, and then actually allowing other people to help. Or even just getting other people in who actually did things far better than I did to actually then be able to create that momentum and fly. So sometimes we can also have baggage in areas of our business relationships.

Sometimes there are relationships that just don't serve as, sometimes there are people that we can spend time with actually they're a bit like drains. They're just kind of drainers of all that energy and it's just hard work and we feel exhausted coming away. It doesn't have to be that way. You can actually choose which relationships to turn the fuel upon and wants to perhaps turn the field down on. And I'll share a little bit about relationships in the coming days as well because I've got something that I think would be really helpful to some of you.

Momentum is really important. Going into 2020 don't stop and not do anything now, particularly if you run a business, don't stop fold your arms, put your feet up for a few weeks. If you're looking for clients and you're needing to bring in a consistent revenue and it requires you to put effort and energy into your business to, do not start sitting back, putting your feet up and not doing anything is actually going to cause a lag in the first quarter of 2020 so this stuff may be that needs to be attended to.

Instead of all that baggage that weighs you down, choose luggage instead, some nice luggage to take with you. So I encourage you to choose consciously, what do you want more of in 2020 what do you want less of in 2020 what? What do you want to let go of? What do you want to attract in? And you know, sometimes this might even be just as simple as de-cluttering at home because have you ever noticed that if you're in a really messy place and this stuff everywhere, actually it's really difficult to think, to concentrate, to relax, to find peace in the environment that you're in. So it could be something as simple as that.

I encourage you to have a think about what are three things, just three things that you are doing regularly that doesn't serve you or perhaps it isn't supporting you in some way.

Just three things. What are those three things? Share with me because actually if you share those things with me there, it will also help me to help you even more because one of the things I want to do more of in 2020 is more video. I've got so much that I really want to share. And one of the key things for me for this coming year is actually making it possible to work with more people. So I'm doing a lot more collaboration and I'm doing a lot more sharing, I've got some news that I will share with you in the new year around that as well, because cause it's quite exciting!

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